Announcement,  Reading

2016 Reading Goals – Do You Have Yours?

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Similar category breakdowns to last year, but stretching things a little bit. I spent a lot of reading time last year on the comic book side of things, getting four years closer to the present in my X-men quest than I’d originally planned. Maybe I can balance a little better in 2016.

This year’s categories:

  • Award Winners: starting on a quest to read all of the novel-length winners for the Hugo, Nebula, World Fantasy, and Aurora awards. Starting with the first Hugo and working my way forward. # Books: 25 this year.
  • Last Year’s English Language Awards: because I shouldn’t have to wait to catch up to the present, I’m planning the 2015 winners for the four awards I mentioned above plus, maybe, The British SF Award (UK), the Aurealis Awards (Australia), and the Sir Julius Vogel (New Zealand). # Books: 8.
  • Cultural Speculative Fiction: picking three non-English speaking countries this year, and maybe going forward, to read a novel and an anthology (in translation) from. # Books: 6.
  • Anthologies I’m In: self-explanatory. # Books: unknown at this time. Well, 0 at the moment, but I hope that number goes up.
  • Friend’s Books: also seems self-explanatory. # Books: 2.
  • Martial Arts: furthering the intellectual side of my martial arts studies, and pushing hard towards my hopeful Nidan grading, sometime in the next 12-18 months. # Books: 10.
  • Non-Fiction Breadth: pushing this category a bit this year with eight subject areas. # Books: 10.

If you’re counting, that says I’d like to read 61 books this year (and it could be 62 because one of the award winners from 2015 is a sequel, so I may need that first), plus any anthologies I place a story in. Might be pushing things a little, but I hit 56 on a goal of 40 last year, and I’ve come to the belief that if you’re reaching all your goals, you’re not making them big enough.

What are you reading?

Be well, everyone.

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