
February Writing Report

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Just over 19k words for February which was a little higher than January, but still on the low side for the last year or so. Not horrible, and still mostly editing, but still a decent month overall.

And I even finished a story.

February accomplishments:

  1. Work on the 3rd Draft of the Troll World Quintet is a bit slower than I would like, but it’s progressing. I’m still in Book 2, about 60% done, and having added almost 5,000 words so far. It’s slower going than I’d like, but between the dictation clean up and the making it pretty part of things, it’s some fairly heavy rewriting.
  2. Two short fanfic novels and two novelettes (again, the second batch of shorter Star Trek fiction) moved from second draft to third. If they make final in March, I’ll be ready well in time for the next serial to start in April.
  3. A few transcriptions of things from paper. Not nearly as much as there should have been, but a couple of thousand words worth.
  4. One short first draft complete. I think I still have two in progress.
  5. Finally published the third volume in The Citizen trilogy, Fallen Heroes. Yes, it is about time.
  6. Blog posts: February was even lighter than January with only 6 for the month.

Targets for February:

  1. Editing: I hope to get the 3rd Draft complete on Shrine, and then pass into Forest, the second and third Troll World books, respectively. I also hope to get the final drafts done on the second batch of shorter Star Trek fanfic.
  2. Finish the basic outline for the Draugr Rising sequel, Kami Falling. Yup, didn’t get to it in February. We’ll try again for March.
  3. Short Stories. I need to pick up the pace if I hope to meet the goal for 2021.
  4. Blog posts. Need to get a little farther here, too, though these are more of an outlet than a specific goal. Sometimes I have things I want to talk about or just work out in my head. Sometimes I want to publicly keep myself honest about what my writing is accomplishing.
  5. Publishing. Two things planned to actually publish in March: the Citizen Trilogy as a set and a short story. April is planned to be heavier. Between the first of March and the 30th of June, I have nine things of various lengths I want to release. Covers are complete for two of those and images have been found for five more. Lots to do.

As I mentioned in the January report, the focus for writing in 2021 is editing things I’ve already written and building my publishing efforts. That remains the plan, and I’ve fleshed out the basics of the publishing piece to the end of the year. The editing goals are flexible, though I very specifically want to have the Troll World books all at final draft by the end of the year. Anything more than that might be a bonus, but we’ll see how things go.

Stay safe and be well, everyone.

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