• Days of Geek,  Podcast

    DoG Ep 08: William Shatner and Patrick Stewart at MCC 2012

    by 0:00 Episode ID Days of Geek, Episode 8: William Shatner and Patrick Steward share the stage at MCC. Plus, and Forgotten Geek Cinema of 1980. 00:11 Music Instead of the normal “Split In Synapse” (courtesy of Kevin McCleod at incompetch.com), I’m using the traditiona l“Space, the Final Frontier” speech from Star Trek, but split between Captains Kik and Picard. 00:47 Intro And with good reason: the celebrity Q&A is none other than Captains Kirk and Picard, together on stage at Montreal Comic Con September 2012. In front of it, I make note of remembering the fist time I saw TNG. 01:53Main Noting that the Captains were a bonus event…