
July Writing Accomplishments

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I will try to keep it brief this month, though we all know that’s hard for me. As far as writing goes, it’s a shorter list of accomplishments than last month, but I’m okay with that. I’ve been spending a little more time on the to do list and a little less writing, and the stuff I got done made me happy.

Writing accomplishments:

  1. Smog Alert 1st Draft. Star Trek fanfic. Kirk and Spock are at a tactical conference while Sulu, in command, ferries some scientists to New Aberdeen.
  2. Tholian Rescue 1st Draft. The Enterprise picks up a distress call from a Tholian ship.
  3. Time Travel Sucks 1st Draft. Why even 1986 might get tiring after a while.
  4. An Ethical Debate 1st Draft in progress. A short-ish science fiction tale about an alien species wanting to strike a deal with a woman who lives alone. I thought I’d actually be done this but keep leaving it in favour of other items. That should tell me something about the story.
  5. Fallen Heroes Final Draft. Which means I can get ready to slot the third volume in the Citizen Trilogy into the queue for publication.
  6. Warforge 1 – Harold’s Story 3rd Draft, bringing all three Caledonia novels to a third draft status.
  7. A total of 22 blog posts published, giving me a weekly average of 5 for July.

After not doing a very good job on the publishing side last month, I managed a few things in July.

  1. The Undead: More Than Just Brains and Hauntings – talked about this one a lot last month, I think, so I don’t feel the need for more at the moment, but it’s finally out.
  2. Haiku – the collection. Still needs a tpb formatted, but available as an ebook.
  3. “Common Ground” – in the void between the stars, there are lenty of things that have been lost over the millennia. Sometimes finding them is profitable, and sometimes it’s dangerous.
  4. “Career Aspirations” – while on vacation, Lieutenant Commander Sulu has some doubts about his career path.
  5. “Footprints in the Dust” – scheduled to drop on August 8th, it’s done, uploaded, and ready to go.

Overall, a good month. While the total word count didn’t quite reach 26k, I’m happy with the progress I made and look forward to August being at least as productive. I won’t share specific word count goals, but I will say that there should be a novel and two shorts hitting the ebook list during the month. Looking ahead to the fall, well, as a wise Muppet once said, always in motion is the future. I have plans, but I’ll reforecast every month based on reality at the time.

Stay safe and be well, everyone.

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