
Writing Report for the Week Ending 12 March 2017

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It’s that time again, time for what I’m trying to make the traditional weekly recap. Last week’s goals:

  1. 4,891 words progress on the 2nd draft of Draugr Rising, all that remained.
  2. 5,000 words of progress on the third draft on Scattered on the Wind.
  3. Five chapters of scene description step on Bad Teenage Poetry. The outline actually has 30 chapters, not 40. I was remembering a different plot, I think.
  4. ISIRTA*. Listen to 4 episodes in Series Three.
  5. BSG**. Finish the post for Lost Planet of the Gods, Part 1 and make notes for Part 2.
  6. Short Story Submissions: 3.
  7. Stretch Goal 1: 2,935 words of editing on the 2nd draft of the Sulu novelette, all that remained.
  8. Stretch Goal 3: Story selection for inclusion in The Undead.

The Results:

  1. Complete.
  2. 12,765 words of progress on the “make it pretty” draft. This takes me to almost 2/3 of the way through the narrative, and I have to say I’m a lot happier with the story than I thought I would be at this point.
  3. I actually managed 8 here. Not bad progress. The actual first draft isn’t on the list to start for a little while, but since I seem to be struggling so hard with Shrine, I might rearrange the projection a bit.
  4. Somehow, these never made it to the front of the play list. I’ve fallen behind on a lot of podcasts lately, and wanted to catch up on a couple.
  5. Well, I watched the Lost Planet of the Gods, Part 2, but I need to go through it again to make notes.
  6. 0 submissions this week. Moving right along.
  7. Finished the 2nd draft of the Sulu novelette. I think this works fairly well, too.
  8. Someday.

I got a little sidetracked this week, or maybe a little focused, or both. Aside from the extra progress on two of the primary goals, I also started the Revision Notes draft of Hero’s Life, the second book in the Heroes Inc trilogy. Enjoying this so far, and I think it can go on the regular tasks list for the next couple of weeks.

  1. 10,000 words of progress on the third draft on Scattered on the Wind. I don’t think this is too much of a bump considering this week’s progress.
  2. Second draft on my Scotty short story. First draft stands at 3,953 words.
  3. Hero’s Life revision notes continued. Five chapters would be good.
  4. Five chapters of scene description step on Bad Teenage Poetry.
  5. ISIRTA*. Finish listening to Series Three.
  6. BSG**. Write the post for Lost Planet of the Gods, Part 2.
  7. Short Story Submissions: 3. Theoretically, I’m on vacation this week, but there’s a lot going on. I don’t think this should be hard for a change.
  8. Stretch Goal 1: Story selection for inclusion in The Undead.

Like I wrote above, I’m on vacation for the week, but there are a couple of significant events going on that are going to need a lot of my time. Things that are, gasp, more important than writing. For one of these, there may be an appreciable amount of waiting involved, so things may balance. We’ll see

Be well, everyone.

* ISIRTA = I’m Sorry, I’ll Read That Again

** BSG = Battlestar Galactica

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